Cheap Reseller Hosting Plan with Unlimited cPanel & Websites

Planning to Start an Online Business with Low Investment? Then read this article to discover the cheap reseller hosting provider, their features, pros, cons, and earning potential.

MilesWeb Reseller Hosting Pros:

✓ Upto 500 cPanel Accounts
✓ Upto 50 GB NVMe Storage
✓ Host Unlimited Websites
✓ cPanel/WHM Control Panel
✓ Free SSL Certificates
✓ Unlimited Email Accounts
✓ Unlimited Databases
✓ Softaculous Auto Installer
✓ Daily Automatic Backups
✓ LiteSpeed with LSCache
✓ Object Cache
✓ CloudLinux & CageFS
✓ Malware Scanner
✓ Enhanced DDoS Protection
✓ 99.95% Uptime
✓ 24/7/365 Support
✓ 30 Days Money-Back

MilesWeb Reseller Hosting Cons:

✓ No Free Billing Software
✓ Decent LVE Resources Limits
✓ Supports Only PHP Based Websites
(that includes Laravel, WordPress, etc)

We would suggest buying longer term plans so you get best discount initially and also while renewing.

Best Reseller Hosting Prices in India

Best Reseller Hosting Pricing Worldwide

Who can Sign Up for MilesWeb Reseller Hosting?

Here are a few types of Entities/Individuals who can sign up for MilesWeb Reseller hosting.

  • Web Designers & Developers
  • Digital Marketing Companies & Agencies
  • Freelancers & Independent Consultants
  • Small Web Hosting Companies

MilesWeb Reseller Hosting Earnings Explained

Earnings depend on the reseller hosting plan you choose as the number of accounts and features differ for plans.

Below is a sample calculation of MilesWeb reseller earnings.

Example 1:

Let’s say you bought a Beginner reseller hosting plan with MilesWeb for Rs. 800 per month with 100 cPanel hosting accounts. Say you sell an account with 500 MB of space for Rs. 200/month. In this case, your earnings and profit would be:

Selling Price (Rs. 200 x 20 accounts)Rs.4000
Reseller Plan CostRs.800
Profit Per MonthRs.3200

Example 2:

Let’s say you bought a Beginner reseller hosting plan with MilesWeb for $12 per month with 100 cPanel hosting accounts. Say you sell an account with 500 MB of space for $3/month. In this case, your earnings and profit would be:

Selling Price ($3 x 20 accounts)$60
Reseller Plan Cost$12
Profit Per Month$48

Note: The above-mentioned prices are just for calculation references. You can create plans based on your preference and sell them at your own margins. Also, if you buy for longer plan terms like 1-year, 2-years or 3-years you can get more profits.


You may go for MilesWeb Reseller Hosting if planned to start an online business with low investment and earn decent money.

We hope you found this article to be useful. Our best wishes for your online business journey!

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